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DAY 3 ✅ Prioritize

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Productivity Crash Course - Welcome

In Vivo Exposure The Healing Network • 44s

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  • DAY 3 ✅ Prioritize

    DAY 3 ✅ Prioritize
    If you tackle your tasks as they come in, you’re letting other people set your priorities.

    Once a day take a few minutes to groom your task list. Pick a few high-priority items and move them to the top.

    The best way to knock out your high-priority tasks is to do them dur...

  • DAY 4 🔋Recharge

    DAY 4 🔋Recharge
    You can’t always be on.

    Not getting true rest weakens your focus and productivity when you are working.

    Do what you need to do in order to switch off from time to time. Take a digital sabbath, turn off notifications in the evening or take a walk without your phone. Play aroun...

  • DAY 5 🗓 Review

    DAY 5 🗓 Review
    Successful productivity systems tend to be heuristics rather than strict rules.

    Once a week or so, review how this system is working for you. Maybe you need to make some tweaks or noticed an important task got skipped. Adjust as needed so you can get the most out of your producti...